Monthly reviews

Inderes publishes a Half-year financial report, a Financial statement release, and two Business reviews according to a predefined schedule. In addition to this, Inderes publishes monthly reviews of the development of its revenue. In addition, the company publishes its Financial statements and the Report of the Board of Directors. Monthly reviews are published as soon as possible after the completion of the figures. Exceptions are the January and February figures which are reported together, the March figures which are published as part of the January-March Business review, the June figures which are published as part of the Half-Year financial report, the September figures which are published as part of the January-September Business review and the December figures which are published as part of the Financial statement release. The figures in the monthly reviews are unaudited. Inderes reports publicly at group level.


Month 2024 2023 Change %
January 1.0 0.9 10%
February 1.7 1.7 4%
March 2.3 2.4 -5%
April 2.2 1.7 33%
May 1.9 1.6 15%
June 0.9 1.0 -9%
July 1.3 1.1 11%
August 1.3 1.2 3%
September 1.7 1.4 20%
October 1.6 1.5 6%
November 1.6 1.7 -5%
December 1.1 1.0 3%

2023 add

Month 2023 2022 Change %
January 0,9 0,6 49 %
February 1,7 1,1 54 %
March 2,4 1,5 57 %
April 1,7 1,1 49 %
May 1,6 1,3 23 %
June 1,0 0,9 6 %
July 1,1 0,7 50 %
August 1,2 0,9 29 %
September 1,4 1,3 3 %
October 1,5 1,1 35 %
November 1,7 1,5 11 %
December 1,1 1,3 -18 %