
Inderes' primary target market is Nasdaq-listed companies in Sweden, Finland and Denmark. We estimate the market potential for our core products in this market to be more than EUR 120 million. The target market currently comprises more than 1,200 listed companies, of which more than 400 companies are connected to the Inderes platform through one or several of our products. Our long-term goal is to build the complete Inderes Flywheel operating model for the Nordic market: a comprehensive product offering for listed companies, Inderes investor media and a local community.

Target markets


Sweden is the largest market in the Nordic countries and will be our main growth market in the strategy period 2023-2027.
With the acquisitions of Streamfabriken and Financial Hearings in 2022, we have a strong foothold in the Swedish IR event market. In the strategy period 2023-2027, our goal is to achieve a position as an established investor media and IR partner for listed companies in Sweden.


In Finland, our goal is to expand our product offering to our existing client base and to actively develop the Finnish IPO market. We have strong market positions in equity research, AGMs and IR Events. The IR Software product area is moving from the investment phase to the growth phase.


In Denmark, we operate through our strategic partner and associate company HC Andersen Capital. HC Andersen Capital operates the investor service locally and aims to introduce the Inderes product range to its listed company clients.

Market trends and growth drivers

1. The number of retail investors is increasing and the popularity of direct equity investment is growing

2. Listed companies want to invest in transparency and investor communications

3. Digital channels enable listed companies to communicate more effectively with investors


Read about our strategy

Business model

Read about our business model